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tv   Liberally Stephanie Miller  Current  January 9, 2013 6:00am-9:00am PST

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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> stephanie: hello current tv land. here we are. good morning jacki schechner. do we look unprepared in any way? don't be ridiculous. representative john yarmouth coming up on the big show today. we're getting a serious gun control debate in this country. how about that. >> we are. we're going to have the conversation. the idea is to keep the momentum going. people are outraged after newtown that it is time to do something. we have to keep the momentum going in order to get something done. >> stephanie: i thought wow gabby giffords and her husband a lot of the stuff they said -- >> powerful. >> stephanie: both gun owners, both second amendment people but just -- who more powerfully can
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make that case? >> 11 mass shootings since tucson. >> stephanie: i know. we'll get into all of it. here she is, jacki schechner in the current news center. >> good morning, everybody. vice president biden is holding a meeting at the white house today with victims' groups and gun safety organizations. this is the next in a series of meetings. that administration officials are having with stakeholders as they look at recommendations to hand to the president by the end of the month on how we can curb gun violence. here's white house spokesman jay carney. >> it is a not a problem that can be solved by any specific action. it is a problem that enchances issues of mental health, education, as well as access to guns. >> he will meet with various stakeholders. tomorrow, vice president biden is going to meet with executives from the national rifle association which has some gun control advocates wondering why since the nra has made it clear it has no interest in supporting legislation or executive action that might help keep guns out of
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the hands of dangerous people. "the washington post" would argue that the administration needs the nra because of the power, at least the perceived power it still has over members of congress and ultimately it going to be a vote to turn a bill into law. this is a friends close enemies closer strategy. while the white house and congress work to craft some sort of legislation on a national level, new york governor andrew cuomo wants his state to be the first to enact new gun laws in the wake of the shooting at newtown. today, he plans to propose a new restrictive assault weapons ban which would strengthen the state law already in place by covering more guns and magazines. new york one of seven states already has some sort of assault weapons ban in place. he's also looking at proposing expanding the use of mental health records and background checks and requiring recertification. we're back with more after the break. stay with us. going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the
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young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. [ voice of dennis ] driving bonus check? every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. ok. [ voice of dennis ] silence. are you in good hands? hershey's simple pleasures chocolate. 30% less fat, 100% delicious.
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>> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's "the stephanie miller show." ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ and it's time to feel good ♪ ♪ hey, all right now ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: mm-hmm. it is the "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. six minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. representative john yarmuth of the great state of kentucky on the big show this morning. you can e-mail us all there like connelly did, the misfit soccer mom of "the stephanie miller show." is there any way we can help rocky mountain mike. i know he just lost his job near vail. he's the most talented, handsome, romantic man in the
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world. she's going to be in d.c. january 19th but -- he said -- she said i know he had to cancel his trip to d.c. for the sexy liberal show. he's everything, right? he doesn't even probably need to stay in vail. i'm shilling for rocky mountain mike. he's unbelievably talented radio guy. he does i. t., an amazing photographer. >> i believe he does i.tie., he's an amazing photographer. >> stephanie: if you have something for mike, shoot us an e-mail. she says i will be there in my steph head t-shirt. this will be number four sexy liberal show for connelly, the misfit soccer mom from frederick, maryland. and the tickets are going very, very quickly. >> announcer: four years ago, we witnessed a first inauguration of president obama. ♪ like a virgin ♪ >> this time around, stephmy miller and her team of two term comics are coming to make this a
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party d.c. will never forget. on january 19th, just two days before obama's second inauguration the sexy liberal comedy tour starring hal sparks, john fuglesang aisha tyler and the goddess of liberals, stephanie miller will perform life at the warner theatre in washington, d.c. tickets are available at and if you want to skip the fees, stop by the warner theatre box office at 511 -- the tea baggers lost in november. so stephanie is going to do her thing before the inaugural ball. >> that means two things. >> that's the stephanie miller sexy liberal comedy tour live in d.c. inauguration weekend. for more information, go to >> stephanie: all right yea! story. calling audibles. speaking of sexy liberals. comedian rick overton live in studio in hour number two. >> inaudible. i was yelling. >> stephanie: all right.
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hal sparks had to cancel today. he's got a thing with a guy at a place. rick overton oh, my god, he has the most hilarious stories he's going to tell us. >> that's right. >> stephanie: he was in d.c. and i think he held the torah for alan grayson when he was sworn in just to make people crazy. rick was actually there with boehner. >> oh, wow. >> stephanie: his orangeness. he's going to tell us stories in hour number three today. >> he smelled like bourbon. >> we'll find out from rick overton. >> stephanie: in the meantime, by the way the sexy liberal cause in d.c., of course, the brady center to prevent gun violence. get the last remaining tickets. it will be a big show. i was saying to jacki at the top of the hour, we're going to have us a debate on gun control. this country. who saw that comin'? is it today? [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] today. white house trying to keep the momentum for gun legislation. vice president biden has invited the nra and other gun owner
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groups tomorrow. >> now is not the time. >> don't be politicizing it. we can't do that now. >> stephanie: the vice president will meet with victims' organizations and the game and entertainment industries. obviously they plan to forge a consensus over how to curb gun violence. the president says he wants biden to report back to him by the end of january. he's vowed to move swiftly on the proposals. we were talking about how powerful gabby giffords and her husband. you know, who better to speak to this? that was just powerful. she took a prominent role in the gun debate on the anniversary of her shooting. her and her husband wrote an op-ed, "americans for responsible solutions initiative" would help raise money to help support greater gun control efforts to balance the influence of the gun lobby. he and gifts want to become a -- giffords want to become a prominent voice for gun control. the things initially we're
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hearing that are making the -- you know, gun nuts freak out if you watched alec bennett on piers morgan this is what this is -- >> alex jones. >> alec bennett? >> stephanie: pardon me. >> what are you talking about? >> stephanie: how long does it take to get all of the spittle off him? that's what i want to know. >> tyrants guns! >> stephanie: and that guy reportedly has 50 guns. >> great. >> stephanie: is that not -- more of a case for -- >> toddlers ought to be armed! >> stephanie: okay. so the president reportedly wants congress to reinstate a ban on military-style assault weapons, close loopholes that allow gun buyers to do background checks. >> gangnam style. >> stephanie: why aren't there things we could agree on at a minimum? why can't responsible gun owners? i don't understand.
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getting the department to call it lying and ordering federal agencies to send data to the national background check database. anybody -- the nra arguing against that is just craziness. it is hitler argument. they go right to the hitler argument. oh, well register, that's the first -- >> genocide. >> stephanie: sure. some of these steps interestingly could be taken through executive action with the approval of congress. >> ah-ha. >> stephanie: obama will not finalize any actions. jay carney said it is not a problem that can be solved by any specific action or single action. it encompasses issues of mental health. >> gun trafficking would be a no-brainer. >> assault weapons yeah, you're good. >> stephanie: yeah. >> guns don't kill people. >> stephanie: and despite alec whoever his name is -- >> alec jones -- >> stephanie: we played the
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audio yesterday but when you see the video it is terrifying! you're literally like thank god he's not armed. >> as far as we know. >> stephanie: i mean at the moment. i feared for piers morgan. >> we didn't know if alex jones was armed or not do we? >> you're a red coat! i'm gonna shoot you, red coat! get off my land. >> stephanie: we're going to have the revolution again. i thought he meant right now. piers morgan is british. no no, it's all over now. >> we're not a colony of great britain anymore. relax. >> stephanie: another very powerful voice yesterday was retired general stanley mcchrystal saying -- and again, you think would be common sense. these kind of weapons that he used in afghanistan do not belong on the streets of america! normal citizens do not need these weapons. anyway that's the thing is that all of the arguments are just so hollow. it is like no, we're not going to solve every one and yes some bad guys will get guns. why are we making it so easy?
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why do we think -- you know what i think is -- the gun buybacks. >> worked in australia. >> stephanie: no one is coming to get your guns for god's sakes. >> of ahh proof that they're trying to get our guns but they haven't done it yet. that's how you know. >> stephanie: don't you think anything that would help that would chip away at the problem might be good? >> argument about arming everyone showing pictures of people at the firing range. incredible kickback. hitting themselves in the head. >> stephanie: shot themselves. >> they didn't shoot themselves. >> the kickback was enough to knock them out. >> great. >> yeah, maybe this is not your thing. >> stephanie: exactly. all right. so anyway, i have to say and this is -- i have to warn you graphic but i thought so powerful in the "l.a. times." by the way, this is a new day chris. [ ♪ magic wand ♪ ] i was able to figure out how to
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download my own story from the "l.a. times."com. i sometimes ask you to send me something. i figured out how to get it myself. >> how can i get the newspaper into the machine? >> the thing about the "l.a. times" is the actual paper quite often does not match what's on the web site. so she'll ask me for a story just like -- a keyword here and there. and i'm like -- you know, on page 7! >> there is no page 7. >> stephanie: next to where i clip the coupons and do the crossword. >> and because of rights issues, there are some op-eds that are in the paper but not online. it is a mess. >> it is right next to the burlington coat factory ad. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: tried to get on the couch. >> it is on the opposite page of the penny's ad. >> stephanie: i'm sure these stories are everywhere. because obviously the testimony started yesterday in james
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holmes' trial, the aurora shooting. you know this is the thing. it is not to politicize it but this is what happens when stuff fades, when you forget the horror of sandy hook and you just -- when you start to hear details of this kind of stuff it brings it all home again. that's why we cannot let this fade. you talk about mental health being an issue, how about the mental health issues the policemen are going to have that had to go into sandy hook first or the aurora theatre. colorado police officers testifying about what they found. that's the thing is they think oh, well don't talk about that stuff. it is politicizing it. it is not politicizing it. it is what is the reality of this? and you look at that guy. you're like how did that guy jared loughner, how did that guy get a gun? that's all of the background check you need. just look at him! anyway -- >> you're discriminating against the criminally crazy.
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>> stephanie: i apologize -- i debated whether i should read some of it but it is on the paper and i'm sure a lot of people heard it and heard the testimony but this is the reality we're talking about. you remember that was the first thing we said, chris about sandy hook, imagine what the police officers saw. that's what that looked like. >> i can't imagine. >> stephanie: two veteran police officers were first to arrive at the movie theatre. monday they described the carnage. these are 20 year cops who have seen everything that are crying openly in court because they're having to recount what they remembered most was the blood. there was so much of it. aurora police officer grizzell said some people were crawling for safety. with a waiver voice he slipped on something slick only later realizing it was blood. officers described victims shot in the face. some of the wounded were so badly hurt, it was impossible to tell their gender. this is a reality of this kind of military assault weapon. this is what mcchrystal was saying. grizzell recounted how he sped
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people to the hospital in his police car. there was so much blood in the car, he could hear this slosh. at times officers broke down on the stand yesterday. i'm not going to read all of the details. one woman told him -- somebody handed him a 6-year-old girl. she's got no pulse. rushing the mother to the hospital who was shot in the face and the chest. i mean is this the america we want? when you go to the movies? >> some people. >> stephanie: when your kid goes to first grade? one woman told him during a hostile interview she felt a burning sensation on her side. when she looked down, she saw her internal organs spilling out and she caught them. she survived. grizzell told of rushing someone who had been shot in the face. the officer testified he yelled in the backseat don't you [ bleep ] die on me. the words seemed to help him rally. he survived with a brain injury. i think you've gotta look at the reality of this. when you think about it.
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-- >> but the gun nuts would say if only they had been armed then everything would be fine. >> stephanie: right. in a crowd dark theatre. if only there had been more people shooting wildly and trying to -- they were even saying when they caught him, a lot of officers thought he was a s.w.a.t. member because he was armed. he was dressed like a s.w.a.t. -- who knows who's who? >> he had better body armor. >> stephanie: incredible. 19 minutes after the hour. right back with more on all of this. we continue on "the stephanie miller show." >> announcer: the only place in america where dissent is still allowed. it's "the stephanie miller show." guts. glory. ram. the new ram 1500. motor trend's 2013 truck of the year.
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(vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. (vo) she's joy behar. >>current will let me say anything.
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♪ well, let's talk about it, talk about it, talk about it ♪ ♪ talk about talk about talk about -- >> stephanie miller. ♪ won't you take me to funkytown ♪ >> stephanie: first hour of "the stephanie miller show." >> recalculating. you moron. >> stephanie: this hour brought to you by go to meeting. the powerfullicism way to meet and collaborate with your team online. now you can present from your ipad. visit use the promo code, stephanie. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. let's go to david in chicago on the gun debate. hi david. >> caller: hi. hi guys. great show. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: i heard something on npr that blew my mind. i wonder if you can verify it is true. down in arizona, they're doing a
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gun buyback where they're offering $50 for people to give up their guns. and according to the story the nra is protesting saying that it's illegal to destroy guns after the buyback. >> what? >> caller: yeah. >> stephanie: let me get this straight. if you buy something in america even if it is a gun buyback you're not allowed to do what you want with it according to the nra? >> caller: local government isn't allowed to destroy the guns. that they should sell them. >> stephanie: what's the point of that? thanks for playing missing the point entirely. >> if i buy a lampshade i'm entitled to use it as a hat if i want. >> stephanie: you have with enough flirtinis in you. >> absolutely. >> here's the plan. you buy them back. >> we sell them. >> i don't think it is a law yet but i think a bill has been introduced in the arizona state legislature to make it illegal to destroy a gun that's been
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bought. >> guns are more important than people. okay. >> stephanie: that's so moronic, it is not even to be believed. here's my gun. here is $50. would you like this gun? $50. what? okay. there are people in this debate that are helping. people that are not helping. nra, not helping. [ ding ding ] [ applause ] at all! it really is amazing. this is where we have, in some ways this red state/blue state divide. some of the red state solutions moronic. arming teachers. >> moronic. >> forcing teachers to be armed. >> stephanie: seattle mayor announce a new gun buyback program being sponsored by love me some! don't have to drive. don't have to park. i just blink and something shows up at my door. >> when i go into your
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computer -- >> stephanie: when you're rooting around in my electronics under things. >> you're always on amazon buying stuff. >> stephanie: stop rooting around in my electronics under things. >> i have to plug in and sometimes you're on amazon buying stuff. >> stephanie: it is like a miracle for grandma. >> you mean i buy it here and it comes to my door? >> out how it walk here? >> stephanie: i wear to god it is like buying chinese food in new york. >> amazon is working on same day delivery. >> stephanie: i'm hungry. ding-dong. never mind, it's here! >> you don't call amazon. >> stephanie: i got distracted there. good idea, seattle mayor don't you think? it is being sponsored by and other businesses to reduce firearms in the community under the program people who turn in a handgun can pick up a $100 gift certificate for the online retailer.
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okay. in the bad idea category, utah. a spring city councilman wants all residents in the small town to be armed against possible aggressors. councilman neil sorenson is drafting a measure recommending a gun be in every household. you're ordered to have a gun in every household in the town. >> whether you want it or not. >> stephanie: near salt lake city. the measure -- he says he wants -- he also wants the town to pay for concealed weapons training for every elementary schoolteacher. >> i think there is already a town in utah which has a part of its homeowner's association that every house is required to have a gun. >> stephanie: people who don't want them have to go to training. >> before you move into the town, are you warned this is a requirement. >> you may be shot by your neighbors. part of it. the price of freedom. >> stephanie: how many studies do we have to have you're how many times more likely to kill either a friend, family member, acquaintance, if you have a gun
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in the house than to shoot an intruder. it is just -- these are not like difficult statistics to find. i was listening to a right wing radio host the other day talk about how many guns he has. they're in every spot in the house. i suggest you not try breaking into my house. i would hate to be a neighbor. a fedex package came to you. >> let me reload. >> now that he announced the location of his guns on the air! >> stephanie: wow! >> people can break in and find the guns. >> stephanie: my neighbor yesterday said a fedex package came to her and was nice enough to bring it over. she left unharmed. i said thank you. 29 minutes after the hour. right back on "the stephanie miller show."
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right have, about the "heavy hand of government" ... i want to have that conversation. let's talk about it. really? you're going to lay people off because now the government is going to help you fund your healthcare. really? i want to have those conversations, not to be confrontational, but to understand what the other side is saying, and i'd like to arm our viewers with the ability to argue with their conservative uncle joe over the dinner table.
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>> good evening. on a it's stephanie miller. >> i have enormous psychological problems and i'm going to take them out on you. >> stephanie: we were just talking about during the break. [ laughter ] not enough doctors to fix your crazy. hey, lynn. >> caller: stephanie, love the show. i love the topic you're talking about because i'm from a purple state which is a predominantly red state. we still are in a lot of parts of our state. moving off from that, i did watch the interview with piers and alex jones. people like alex jones that
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angry white male, typically from middle america that loves their guns they believe government conspiracy, these are the same kind of people that got the weber family in northern idaho killed back in the 1980s. these are the same kind of people that are the reasons why these things are really popping up. people like alex jones should be banned off the air because they're a threat to america. >> stephanie: i think it was a public service to see him. that was frightening to watch. >> you sit back and think about it i didn't mean to cut you off. what piers morgan did, he exposed what is underneath this issue when it comes to the gun issue and he exposed what i see as an american in parts of my state that are mostly rural working class white. the fending of the guns. if the government comes down here and tells me which guns i can and can't have, i'm going to start shooting like the okay,
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corral. what about your children? what about your kids? oh, they'll be armed too. >> stephanie: yeah, i know. >> fantasy the government is coming to get you and if they do, you're going to shoot back. the government can turn you into a little spot of nothing. >> have a drone fire a missile into your house if they really wanted to get you. it doesn't matter how many guns you have. >> stephanie: they want the beyond thunderdome. then the nra's position is we all need tanks. we all have a right. drones. why not? >> scalia thinks that's a conversation you need to have. >> stephanie: right. i think everybody needs to be on the table. no moron. >> clarence thomas doesn't think any conversation is one to be had.
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he never says anything. >> what he said. >> stephanie: right. i was saying things that are helping, things that are not helping. here in l.a. one big buyback program brought in 2,037 firearms. that's good. in san diego gun owners traded more than 350 weapons for grocery vouchers. i'm just saying, there are a million ways to try and get at this problem. the president -- we need to begin. >> obama: we're not going to get this done unless the american people decide it's important. and so this is not going to be simply a matter of me spending political capital. one of the things that you learn now having been in this office for four years is the old adage of abraham lincoln. with public opinion there's nothing you can't do and without public opinion there's very little you can get done in this town. so i'm going to be putting forward a package and i'm going to be putting my full weight behind it. >> stephanie: yeah. if you saw the movie "lincoln,"
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that's what everybody told him. this is not possible. the -- i'm blanking on the whatever. you know what i'm saying. >> abolishing slavery. >> stephanie: what he wanted to do legislatively at the same time the war was going on. he did get it done. i think when you have people as powerful as gabby giffords and general mcchrystal making a lot of the same points, i'm hoping it will become like gay rights. it is not a partisan issue anymore. guess what. there are democrats and republicans that are victims of the horrible violence. we should post that story the "l.a. times" story. read the descriptions of what the police saw when they walked into the aurora theatre. tell me if that's the kind of america you want to live in. let's go to tina in aurora, colorado. hey, tina. >> caller: hi. so you guys have been talking about everything other than the real problem. and the real problem is the nra.
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the nra will destroy any politician that goes up against them. they will look for any loophole in any law. >> stephanie: tina, their reign of terror, if nothing else, i think is over. i grant you they're very powerful but you know what? they're freaking out that we're even having this conversation now which they had shut down for so many years. >> caller: i understand that. but i still think that the best course of action would be a class action suit involving everyone like here in aurora or in newtown connecticut or in washington state where these disasters happen. against the nra. because if there is a class action suit against them, then it goes into the law books that -- >> stephanie: i'm sure there are some lawyers listening tina, that can tell us the viability of that. again, i think almost every idea except really dumb ones should be on the table. karl in nashville. you're on "the stephanie miller
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show." do you need my help finding the "l.a. times" thing? i'm good at this now. >> i'm look for it. >> stephanie: go ahead karl. hi karl. >> caller: hey, guys. hey, steph, how do youing? happy new year by the way. >> stephanie: what's that? >> caller: happy new year. >> stephanie: happy new year to you too. go ahead. >> caller: one, did i my own little poll testing of people i'm around every day. i gave my question to 12 or 13 people. they if know -- the question was where is the d.c. sniper. and all of those people that i asked, they did not know the man was executed in 2009. they had no idea. thought he was locked up. and i just find it curious that in this country if you're black and you commit mass homicide, you are put down like a mad dog but if you're white in some ways, you're found crazy and you never get executed. you just get locked up. number two i think that what we
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need to do in this country one of the tools in the toolbox we can use and there are plenty of them is that we're very quick to show pictures of mangled bodies in syria egypt anywhere. i think we need to show the young guy the 17-year-old get shot in the head on the street corner of st. louis new york, d.c. chicago wherever. >> stephanie: karl i think there are -- you know, obviously standards but that's why -- i thought i don't even know if reading it was graphic if they have kids in the car. people, we kind of like whitewash what it is. >> caller: we're so desensitized to that type of thing and we've been protected. we need to show people these idiots and say it is not even a big caliber. we need to show these people the
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damage that bullets do. to bodies. >> stephanie: this is why sandy hook changed things. didn't you have to see the pictures to imagine what a 6-year-old shot by a military assault weapon at close range looked like. and what those policemen must have experienced. >> caller: unfortunately, you still have these idiots who get on air to say -- that will say that bullet is not as big as any other. really? stand in front of one of them and let's see how you take that bullet. >> stephanie: exactly. all right. i follow you. it sounded dirty when he was started saying, he had started doing some personal poll testing of the people around him. it was a very good point. >> that story is now posted on your facebook page. [ ♪ magic wand ♪ ] >> stephanie: see how that is? tv people saw me hand it to you out of the dumpster. >> there are all kinds of gross stuff on it. like fish. >> liver? >> stephanie: used fish? >> i don't know what you bring in for lunch anymore breakfast
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whatever. >> stephanie: okay. >> continuation of dinner. >> stephanie: robert in montana, you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi robert. >> caller: hi. i was -- just a comment really quick on the utah people. i was raised mormon. i'm from western montana which is where the militia of montana is based out of. these people still think glenn beck is a prophet. i'm not kidding. i'm calling because i'm backing up what you were saying about the first responders. as a 20 year emt, i would like to point out that emts and paramedics see the stuff every day and you know, a bullet, car wreck, whatever. we're traumatized every single day. you had a commercial on a little bit go about vets and getting help. i'm glad you're bringing it up that these people that are first responders are suffering along with the families and everybody else. >> stephanie: yeah. god bless you for what you do. >> thank you. >> stephanie: these latest
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ones, they're just horrifying beyond -- john mcchrystal was saying -- how did he say it? >> i have it. >> stephanie: it's designed -- he talked about what it's capable of doing. >> when it hits the human body, the effects are devastating. it's designed to do that. and that's what our soldiers ought to carry. i personally don't think there's any need for that kind of weaponry on the streets and particularly around the schools in america. i believe that we've got to take a serious look. i understand everybody's desire to have whatever they want but we've got to protect our children. we've got to protect our police. we've got to protect our population. >> he knows what those weapons can do. >> stephanie: i think serious action is necessary. sometimes we talk about limited action on the edges. i don't think that's enough. he said -- he suggested dramatic changes to gun control laws are needed to protect americans. you know, i'm curious you know, people in the nra's response to someone like general
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mcchrystal, is he also a big wuss? >> tell him that to his face that he's a big wuss. >> stephanie: or gun grabber anybody that has any reasonable idea about guns being -- i don't know, maybe some small part of the problem. >> also these high capacity ar-15s what happened not, a lot of them have really high muzzle velocity so bullets can penetrate walls. you can kill somebody in the next room easily while you're trying to take out an intruder. >> stephanie: exactly. 45 minutes after the hour. right back on "the stephanie miller show." >> announcer: there's something funny going on in talk radio. it's a "the stephanie miller show."
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who is this? that's pete. my... [ dennis' voice ] allstate agent. a "starving artist" has an allstate agent? he got me... [ dennis' voice ] the allstate value plan. it's their most affordable car insurance and you still get an agent. [ normal voice ] i call it... [ dennis' voice ] the protector. is that what you call it? the protector! okay. ♪ ♪ the allstate value plan. are you in good hands?
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(vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. (vo) she's joy behar. >>current will let me say anything.
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♪ getting jiggy with it ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ getting jiggy with it ♪ >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 15 minutes after the hour. representative john yarmuth of the great state of kentucky coming up at the top of next hour. rick overton comedian extraordinaire live in studio with us all for hour number three. very exciting. yea. the president's carney on guns. >> we look forward to hearing from a variety of organizations and civic groups and others who have insights into this problem. >> stephanie: yeah. okay. then we were talking about how powerful it was yesterday to watch mark kelly and gabby giffords.
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>> how do we get to the point where 85% of the children in the world that are killed with guns are killed in the united states. >> stephanie: how about that! >> we're number one! >> that's a hell of a statistic. >> stephanie: america. [ bleep ] of all of the statistics -- some of them are so stark and powerful like that one. national initiative aimed at -- [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] curbing gun violence was launched by former u.s. representative gabby giffords and her husband. this tuesday was the second vairs of the shooting that -- anniversary of her shooting that killed six people. web site is americans for responsible solutions. that sounds -- promise to launch a national dialogue, counter influence of the gun lobby. in response to a horrific series of shootings victimized tens of thousands of americans and left one of its own bleeding in near death in. >> it son parking lot congress has done nothing. congress has done something quite extraordinary nothing at
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all. achieving reforms to reduce gun violence prevent mass shootings will mean matching gun lobbyists. >> stephanie: that's why we're giving to the brady center for the sexy liberal cause for the d.c. show because if you look at the numbers they're so outspent. follow the money right? couple says they're both gun owners and support the second amendment. they hope to engage the country in a discussion about preventing gun violence and establish a requirement for comprehensive background check for the private sale of guns, address the issue of the treatment of mentally ill people in the united states and also high capacity magazines. mark kelly. >> i have a gun. gabby and i are both gun owners. we're strong supporters of the second amendment. but we've got to do something to keep the guns from getting into the wrong hands. >> stephanie: you would think that would be something that everyone could -- mark kelly again. >> the gun lob by even opposes a gun purchaser being checked
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against the terrorist watch list. doesn't that seem like a common sense thing to do? >> yes, it does. >> you need to get checked against the terrorist watch list to fly in an airline but apparently not to own an assault rifle. >> stephanie: exactly. andy in massachusetts. hey, and andy, welcome. hi andy. >> caller: hey. great topic. i find the most ironic thing about this whole dunn -- gun debate is the most restrictive laws apply to hunting. >> stephanie: oh yeah. >> caller: the kind of gun you can use. >> stephanie: we had a duck hunter called last week. you have to have the plug. >> caller: right. i moved here from pennsylvania. they actually have a black powder a muzzle loading. there is a time of year you can only use muskets to hunt. so but the thing is they're all okay. they follow the laws. you can't have a machine gun. they suddenly go nuts. >> stephanie: somebody wrote this last week. they said shouldn't we give our
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kids a sporting chance we give ducks in this country? honestly. that's a really great point. >> yeah. it's like how can -- hypocrisy of saying okay be, i understand. it makes sense. where my sister lives in michigan, it is one shot, one kill and the deer can only go so many hundreds of yards not go miles. >> it is open season on humans. >> stephanie: exactly. always open season on humans apparently. exactly. there are an amazing amount of restrictions. literally to protect our wildlife so that -- okay. duck season. >> rabbit season. >> stephanie: judy in california you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi judy. >> caller: high, my sweet stephanie and mooks. somebody a lot brighter than me has to figure this out. i'm wondering when a state of emergency is declared by the president, there has to be a
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certain amount of damage done, i believe. what constitutionally stops the president from declaring a state of emergency regarding death by guns? >> stephanie: judy, somebody made this point about nonamericans killed by terrorism. we've launched wars for -- you know -- an iota of the amount of people that are killed by gun violence here in the united states. can you imagine somebody else killed 10,000 americans a year? >> a foreign country we're doing this, we would bomb them. but it is our own citizens that are killing each other. >> stephanie: bill in jersey. hello, bill. >> caller: hello. >> stephanie: hi. go ahead. >> caller: oh, yeah, hi. i can't believe what's going on in arizona. you just talked about this place where they're making it mandatory, you have to have a gun. but they're against having mandatory insurance. >> stephanie: bill, we just
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did the story yesterday that sheriff arpaio is sending armed posse members to guard schools and in some cases this very criminal backgrounds. >> that's insane. it is absolutely insane. it is okay to have the government mandatory draft to send you off to war but you can't have health insurance. it is ridiculous. >> stephanie: absolutely. everybody is the smartest kid in class today by the way. >> you really need health insurance. >> stephanie: look who's wearing the dunce cap. it is wayne la peaaire. >> one more law on top of 20,000 laws when most of the federal gun laws we don't even enforcer. >> stephanie: well there's that argument again. >> so, there's no point in writing any laws ever because -- >> stephanie: yeah. this is why you could just take one aspect of it, the gun show thing and show how all their arguments are just so -- ridiculous. they're saying oh, yeah, yeah, we believe. we have to keep the hands --
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guns out of the hands -- how is that possible? you can walk in and buy 25 assault weapons with no background check. okay. >> we know who the bad people are. so trust us. >> stephanie: right. okay. cory in minneapolis. hi cory. >> hey, good morning. thank you for taking my call. your previous caller just made a lot of my points that are going to back up the point that i want to make as far as the nra goes. first of all, back when the second amendment was written keyword "musket," muzzle loading, we're talking over 240 years ago that it was written. i have a sneaking suspicion if they had envisioned you know, weapons that could spit out a couple hundred rounds in a matter of seconds -- >> stephanie: they have the right idea. americans are inherently lazy. we have to take that much time to load a musket, we'll probably
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lose the desire to actually harm somebody right? >> caller: right. if it was anything else, you know, that was killing this many people a year, 10,000 people a year, wouldn't they declare a terrorist organization? why can't the nra be classified as a terrorist organization? the nra's not pulling the trigger but they're certainly condoning all of the violence. >> stephanie: okay. i don't want to encourage that but it would be interesting to see how their guns do against a drone. [ buzzer ] okay just saying. did you get that, newsbusters? sure you can get a screen shot here. i'll smile. >> they'll use an angry look screen shot of you. >> stephanie: representative john yarmuth next on "the stephanie miller show."
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> stephanie: all right. newswoman extraordinaire jacki schechner. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] your reaction to the new poll showing that american voters have a higher opinion of root canals, canadian rock band nickelback headlights, colonoscopies, cockroaches than they do of congress. >> i love it. one poll. i'm sure it's not all that scientific. public policy polling. found out just how unpopular congress is. it did say that coonoscopies were more popular. >> nickelback giving you a colonoscopy. >> congress, however more popular than lindsay lohan fidel castro and the kardashians >> stephanie: happy clappy silver lining.
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still more popular than telemarketers, communism, meth labs and john edwards. >> you made those last few up. >> stephanie: i did not! here she is. jacki schechner in the current news center. >> good morning everybody. new jersey governor chris christie normally so shy and reserved is speaking out this morning about two big issues. first keeping the pressure on congress to pass the full amount of federal aid relief that victims of super storm sandy need in order to continue to rebuild. here he is telling george stephanopoulos he's cautiously optimistic that lawmakers will rise above politics and get it done. >> listen, this is the people in my state and the state of new york. they're suffering and hurting. they don't understand why they've had to wait seven times longer than the victims of katrina to get any aid from the federal government. >> that's congress for you. the second issue he talks about is gun control. pointing out new jersey already has an assault weapons ban and while that has to be part of the national conversation, that conversation has to be larger
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and more comprehensive. in other news, officials at washington's national cathedral say they're going to start performing same-sex marriages. they're making that announcement today. the 106-year-old cathedral is a beautiful building in d.c. it is also where we hold things like presidential inaugural services and funerals. the nation's most prominent church making this announcement is hugely symbolic. same-sex marriage now legal in both d.c. and maryland and the diocese covers both of those areas. the ap reports it likely will be six months to a year before we see any same-sex marriages at the national cathedral. that's because of the cathedral's already very booked schedule and because it requires couples go through premarital counseling. we'll be back after the break. stay with us. i want the people who watch our show, to be able to come away armed with the facts, and the
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arguments to feel confident in their positions. i want them to have the data and i want them to have the passion. but it's also about telling them, you're put on this planet for something more. i want this show to have an impact beyond just informing. an impact that gets people to take action themselves. as a human being, that's really important. this is not just a spectator sport. rich, chewy caramel rolled up in smooth milk chocolate. don't forget about that payroll meeting. rolo.get your smooth on. also in minis.
7:03 am
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♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ >> travis makes an appearance on current tv. >> stephanie: he's so handsome and romantic. >> is that the first time? >> god no. >> stephanie: carrying water in for me. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. the web site. the web site. get it, go! the tickets are almost gone for the big january 19th sexy liberal. at the warner theatre. all four sexy liberals and two
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huge surprise celebrity guests on panel. all right. speaking of d.c., lots going on. no one we like to talk to more about it than representative john yarmuth. >> good morning. >> stephanie: what's not chuckly about having a crisis about the debt ceiling going on? what's going on? >> it looks like we're headed for deja vu all over again as yogi bear would say. i sense that things are change a little bit. i've listened to some of the republican leaders, it is dawning on them they're in a very very tough situation. if they try to hold the economy hostage, the country is going to revolt against them and the congressional rating is going down below 10%. they know that's on their head and not democrats.
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so i think it is probably all going to work out. it probably won't be the best result for anybody but i don't think we're going to go over any kind of cliff again. >> stephanie: when you know when you're taking political advice from newt gingrich, something has gone awry. >> frankly, i wouldn't try that again. did i. >> stephanie: somebody was saying yesterday it is good the president has held firm. i'm not going to negotiate over that. i think you know, despite their rhetoric, it is starting to sink in right? >> well, exactly. see the figures that came out within the last couple of days that this deadline, the debt ceiling may be reached by february 15th. basically 40% of spending gets cut off. and the treasury is going to have to make decisions about whether to pay social security checks or tax refunds or paying our soldiers or paying the fbi. these are choices that now becoming a little bit more real
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and i don't think there's anybody in the republicans -- well, there are a few but most people know this would be nuts. >> this is why congress is less popular now than getting simultaneous root canals ands colonoscopies and listening to nickelback. >> stephanie: not talking about you. >> i certainly hope not. >> stephanie: how does this play out? the exact same way? will it be 11th hour again? >> well, that wouldn't surprise me a bit. but the 11th hour is kind of -- not as precise as what it was with december 31st and january 1st. it is an estimate that it is february 15th. we won't know exactly. at some point if they get the printing press warmed up for the platinum coin -- >> stephanie: which, by the way, you should be on. absolutely.
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>> that would be one for the record books. that would be nice. i really don't think they can wait that long. i think they have to start -- we really should be negotiating now. of course, we're not in session this week because we worked so hard last week and for every week we work hard, we get one off. that's the way the republicans feel. but i really don't think we can wait until the last minute because again at some point the treasury is going to say okay, somebody didn't get paid. >> stephanie: your orange friend, john boehner apparently drew 51% disapproval and 31% approval rating for his handling of the fiscal cliff among registered voters. he has a 56% disapproval and a 30% approval rating. you know, this poor guy, i gotta say, you've gotta hear the cartoon drinking when you walk by his office. >> glug, glug, glug, glug. >> stephanie: are you keeping
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him supplied with the kentucky bourbon? >> i offer. he drinks wine. he keeps declining the bourbon. >> stephanie: really? >> we had a bourbon caucus meeting one night during the fiscal cliff standoff and we had republicans, rand paul was there and it was nice bipartisan. steny hoyer showed up. although he doesn't drink. but we couldn't get the speaker there. >> stephanie: huh. well, he's probably in his own personal office. >> he's always welcome. >> stephanie: yeah. >> but i think he did show some courage in that -- in the final hours. when his conference was trying to blow everything up on the deal. wanted to amend the bill which would have killed it. finally said okay, how many votes -- how many votes can you give us? here's what i've got. it ultimately worked. >> stephanie: that poor little
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feller. obviously we've been talking all morning, representative about some powerful voices obviously starting to chime in on the gun debate. it is not just the white house talking about it and joe biden. your former colleague gabrielle giffords general mcchrystal. do you get a sense that we really could get something done this time? >> i do think we can get something done. i'm a little bit wary of trying to put together a big punish. this is something i'm going to try -- i'm on a task force in the house that mike thompson from california is in charge of. the more stuff you throw into a package like this, the more you put -- risk putting poison pills in there. an excuse to vote against it. i'm one of those who thinks background check has the best chance. it would probably be the most effective thing we can do. let's put that out there. we could consider the other pieces and maybe not necessarily tie them all together.
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>> stephanie: you know, congressman, it is interesting you say that. i'm obviously the biggest gun control advocate out there is. i'm not a congressperson but i was just thinking that yesterday. i thought it seems like this is such a volatile, emotional issue. why can't we get one thing done at a time that everybody can agree on. if you make it a big package they're going to -- nra is going to freak out. everybody's going to -- even red state democrats are going to freak out. i agree with you. it seems like there are so many reasonable things we could get done one at a time. >> requiring background checks at gun shows. >> the background checks, 74% of nra members support that. over 80% of the population overall supports that. let's get that done. if you throw in, for instance, the national gun registry, the idea that's been floated that, will freak every nra member out. >> stephanie: yeah. >> whether it is justifiable or not, i happen to think it's a good idea. that's going to guarantee -- that would guarantee any one
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piece of legislation would fail. so let's do the things that are do-able. show that we can actually legislate. and since the background check again, the most effective approach to reducing gun violence. >> stephanie: congressman you're right. we didn't get into this mess overnight. we're not going to get out of it overnight. i'm looking at our march on gay rights. it has been sort of one victory at a time over time as we've moved forward. so i agree with you on that. i think the fact that we're having the conversation and the white house and vice president biden are really being vocal about it is important. >> absolutely. the other thing i think -- the universal background check that makes a national statement and it's not necessarily a good idea for everybody to have a gun. and i think that's an important statement for us to make. this is not just something that should be part of everybody's life. >> we don't let blind people drive.
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restrictions on guns of some kind. >> stephanie: i'm looking at a headline as we're talking. just when you thought chris christie couldn't kick off the republicans, christie said he's willing to talk about gun laws. you gotta have like reasonable people on every side of this issue. that's what i was saying, you know i think like gay rights, i was saying last hour, congressman, i don't think this should be a partisan issue. there are democrats and republicans and their children killed in every one of the mass shootings, right? >> exactly right. you know, when i made the statement i made a few weeks ago, the monday after the shooting at newtown and a lot of people thought i was going to get a lot of negative pushback. i got almost none. i got reinforcement from republicans and democrats and i think you're absolutely right. this isn't partisan. these are parents. normal americans concerned about the safety of their families. >> stephanie: absolutely. >> that's all it is. >> stephanie: the solution for
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every problem is if only we had an entire congress full of john yarmuths. >> just like the platinum coin. give me one vote. we would be satisfied. the only vote. >> trillion dollar coin. >> the yarmuth coin. >> stephanie: always a pleasure sir. talk to you soon. >> thanks, stephanie. >> i love him! >> give me a trillion b foos yarmuth. >> you mangled that. >> stephanie: the onion belt story. one loses the details of it over time. speaking of awesome things in d.c. other than john yarmuth. it is a love letter from people going to the washington, d.c. sexy liberal. denise, sexy liberal in sexy texas liberal in d.c. steph and the mooks i'm insanely excited about catching your d.c. show at the warner in a couple of weeks. i'm meeting up with a ragtag group of texans coming to town
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for the inauguration. they won't be arriving until the 20th. show is on the 19th. lucky for me, i get to see your show the first night i'm in town. maybe i can find a fine liberal to take home for a nightcap. thank you so much for being hilarious voice of reason day after day on the radio. stephanie on my iphone, yes please. i can't believe -- [ ding ding ] >> stephanie: i'm not just a woman. i'm an app. >> download the stephanie miller app. >> stephanie: the woman, the legend the app. [ whatever! ] >> i can't believe i've been listening to you since the very beginning. you and randi have helped me bring people to the truth with the funny and i've managed to turn a lot of people on to the world of progressive talk radio. this lir is to fawn praise over you. serves no purpose other than saying thank you. i've attached a picture of my pride and joy for you to ooh and
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ahh over. his name is crackers. he's a morkie. he likes barking at strangers -- >> who doesn't? >> stephanie: illegal -- >> i do that every day. >> stephanie: illegal sports gambling humped his stuffed ikea hedge hedgehog and protecting me from harm. he's not as big as your royal beast but he gets the job done. >> i'm not sure the hedgehog enjoys that. >> stephanie: hi, crackers! okay. i love people sending pictures of their -- all right. somebody sent us the teabagging canines watching the show on current. my face was right in the middle of all of that action. right bottom. okay. 18 minutes after the hour. kids you know how we meet here at the "the stephanie miller show." we don't meet in person. we don't like each other. >> we certainly don't. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: we use go to meeting.
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go to meeting by citrix, it is nothing short of a miracle. i tried other services before. you get all of the marbling and the audio drops out and it is useless in my opinion. exactly my point. it is like when you're on the airplane and he's giving you important information and you can't hear what the hell he's saying. >> very serious situation up here. you must know that -- i -- >> stephanie: exactly. with go to meeting no. you get built in hd videoconferencing. you can see each other face-to-face in clear hd video quality. go to meeting makes it easy to stay productive. you can launch or join a meeting from anywhere using your computer, smart phone or tablet. you can present from your ipad. work smarter try go to meeting free for 30 days. visity click on the try it free button. promo code is stephanie. okay. 19 minutes after the hour. right back on "the stephanie miller show." >> very interesting.
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but stupid! >> announcer: it's "the stephanie miller show." than the leading bathroom cleaner. see the lime-a-way difference or your money back.
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i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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♪ sometimes all i need is the air that i breathe and to love you ♪ >> stephanie miller. >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 24 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12. >> you need a string section in the show. >> stephanie: why don't we have a string section in here? >> do you want to pay for it? >> stephanie: i guess is budget? budget-related? >> there you go. >> we ain't rush limbaugh. >> does very a horn section?
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>> he does. >> stephanie: you know what else he has? wait a second. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] let me see if i have this. you already have it. right-wing world. we'll do it at the bottom of the hour. i know. what day is it? i said something ridiculous? >> oh, wow. >> stephanie: i'll give you a hint. liberals are seeking to normalize pedophilia like they did with gay marriage. [ scooby-doo's "huh?" ] >> what? >> because that involves two consenting adults. >> stephanie: matthew in mobile alabama. >> mobile. >> caller: how are you? >> stephanie: it's the city, not the thing you hang above your baby's crib. hi matthew. >> caller: hi. hey, sexy mama. love your show. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: i was thinking about the siege on the guns. they're always going after the guns and that's what riles the
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nra. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: since the nra's not going to back down from the guns, go around them since it is a heat engine like an automobile, take away its gas. it can't run without its gas. take away its ammunition. >> stephanie: i see. this is the chris rock solution. we should make bullets $5,000 bullets. bullet control. all right. shane, my right wing love muffin in north carolina. hi shane welcome. hello, shane. >> caller: hi, how are you stephanie? thank you for taking my call. i want to thank you and your staff and good morning to you guys. >> stephanie: good morning. >> caller: i have to defend first of all my second amendment because it is a right. and our forefathers long time ago fought for that right and defended it with their lives. >> stephanie: with muskets. >> as part of a well-regulated militia. >> caller: we have that freedom that unalienable right because a lot of people don't understand -- >> stephanie: do you think what they meant was a out nut case
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with a military assault weapon? >> caller: everybody gets it confused. an assault rifle fires more than one bullet at the squeeze of a trigger. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: these cosmetically look-alike guns -- >> you didn't answer her question shane. >> caller: what was it? >> stephanie: do you think the founding fathers that's what they meant by a well-regulated militia was nut cases like jared loughner and james holmes with a military assault weapon? >> caller: no, they didn't plan on that. >> stephanie: no, they did not see that coming. >> caller: the way weapons are today is to better secure our freedoms against enemies. >> stephanie: you need to better secure your freedom with a military -- a weapon that you use in afghanistan. >> those kids' freedoms were sure secured. >> caller: law-abiding citizens are being attacked. >> stephanie: by who? >> caller: by crazy people. >> stephanie: why would you need a military assault weapon?
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>> caller: an assault rifle fires more than one bullet at the squeeze of a trigger. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: you have automatic -- we have semi-automatic. >> stephanie: as general mcchrystal said yesterday, those are designed to kill the most amount of people, to do the most and maximum damage. why is it necessary for a civilian to have a military weapon? >> caller: high capacity magazines. it is people that kill people. >> stephanie: i blame the shooter for the first -- for the first -- >> caller: happened in the past couple of months. it is a shame. somehow they wiggled through the loopholes. without having a proper background check. >> stephanie: so we shouldn't try to do anything to limit this violence at all. >> caller: a right can never be taken away. just like back in -- world war ii. >> stephanie: once we've hit hitler, do not pass go. down the chute. i sent him down the garbage chute. >> he wasn't listening.
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i would say gun shows no background checks. >> he didn't want to have a discussion. >> stephanie: you know who else won the argument? >> hitler. >> and gerbels. >> two slippery slope arguments. hitler. >> stephanie: okay. 29 minutes after the hour. okay. right back with right-wing world next on "the stephanie miller show." guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with
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ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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>> it means that i'm a dike against the rising waters of mediocrity. >> good for you. >> stephanie miller. >> what? >> stephanie: what? >> what? >> stephanie: we've become obsessed with a new internet thing. hard of hearing darth vader. what? take the helmet off! >> it is very funny. and it is stupid. >> stephanie: it is just stupid. >> what? >> stephanie: it is like how long you let someone talk. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: lord vader. something down in the sea level blah blah, blah, blah, blah. >> what? what?
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what did he say? what? >> stephanie: it is just a bunch of stupid scenes where he can't hear anybody. all right. >> turn on your hearing aid darth vader. >> stephanie: it is kind of like this show because i've been wearing radiohead sets. >> last hour, i was trying to get your attention for five minutes. >> stephanie: i didn't hear it. i missed it. >> i don't need headphones because i can hear them through there. >> that's true. turn to 11. >> what? >> stephanie: let's dive into the right-wing world and see what's doin', shall we? right-wing world. [ ♪ circus ♪ ] >> what? >> stephanie: right-wing world. let me get the megaphone. sean hannity. here we go. the gun debate begins. >> you've seen obama effort to champion gun control laws now beyond anything we've ever seen before. >> what? >> obsession with raising taxes. he just gets a tax increase. raise them again and again and again.
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he will push this as far as he can. take every opportunity in the second term to weaken the second amendment. >> stephanie: i wish i couldn't hear sean hannity. you know what? get me a help hit for right wing -- get me a helmet for right-wing world. talking about the alex jones interview. >> piers morgan, so you know, two of the most dishonest, you know journalists of our age piers morgan whose clear agenda is gun control. and what's his face whose clear agenda -- >> alex jones -- >> the government is out of control, which it is so why would piers morgan have this guy on? well because piers is trying to have gun control and he's trying to make anybody who believes in guns and believes in the second amendment as not something about sports but to be able to be a
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deterrent to an out-of-control government. look like a mad man. >> stephanie: see what he did? he made jones look like a mad man. >> he's clever that way. sitting there not saying anything. >> sitting there blinking. >> he was only blinking because of the spittle. >> stephanie: right. >> who needs guns when you can spit that far? >> stephanie: neil cavuto and senator ron johnson republican of wisconsin. >> what happened to you? lost an election, seems like you lost your backbone. >> i certainly haven't. if you're talking about the fiscal cliff, what happened is that back in 2001, 2003, they made tax cuts temporary. all we could do because president obama demanded taxes were going to go up for some americans. >> you knew he was going to do that. this whole kabuki theatre of taking it to the last minute was silly. >> stephanie: oh, dear. someone that's been lectured by neil cavuto on air.
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>> not to your face. he waited until the next day. >> stephanie: he did a whole segment about me. >> i claim this radio show in the name of mars! >> stephanie: sorry kermit. sorry if i offended you. >> marvin. >> stephanie: he sounds a little like kermit to me. charles krauthammer. >> obama has this ideological vision of america as a superpower too big for its britches. it is a power that has thrown itself around the world. he talked about it in his initial tour of the world. and that it does not sort of have the moral standing to be the great power it was intervening as it was choosing where and when. and he wants to cut it down to size. >> he was talking about us overthrowing the democratically elected government of iran. because he wanted to nationalize the oil companies. the c.i.a. and mi6 bp and standard oil overthrew a
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democratically elected government at the time we were opposing communism, at the height of the cold war. to his credit that he finally was honnist about that. i don't think any other politician has been. and got a lot of international cred for that. >> stephanie: i heard about this. you know jim tony perkins. >> no! you've been a very bad boy. >> this one is much scarier. family research center, whatever. >> stephanie: can i say the next two are my favorites of right-wing world in a very, very long time. gravest dangers to the republic and to our military. yoga. >> in the military, it is out with god and in with the goofy. as part of the new training, marines are being asked to join weekly yoga and meditation classes. fortunately, the military seems intent on driving religion out and replacing it with wacky
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substitutes. atheists warship centers and now meditation classes. but none of them are as effective or as scruff as personal relationship with god. unfortunately though, it is mind over what matters and that's faith. >> yoga helps you stay limber. >> they're not forcing marines to participate in yoga classes. >> stephanie: one sergeant said i felt more relaxed i noticed i wasn't tense all the time. >> it is helping to shut your brain down for a little bit so you can relax. >> focus and be in the moment which you need to be in combat. >> stephanie: kundalini yoga sounds dirty. >> what is that? >> stephanie: it is a kind of yoga. >> i know nothing about yoga. >> stephanie: downward dog sounds gay. >> i don't know what that is either. >> stephanie: okay. it is a yoga pose. >> like i said, i know nothing about yoga. i'm not terribly bendy.
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>> stephanie: okay. rush limbaugh. >> there is a movement on to normalize pedophilia. i guarantee you your reaction to that is probably much the same as your reaction you first heard about gay marriage. what has happened to gay marriage? it's become normal and in fact, with certain people, in certain demographics, it is the most important issue. in terms of who they vote for. so don't pooh-pooh. there is a movement to normalize pedophilia. don't pooh-pooh it. people behind it are serious. they glom on to something they don't let go. >> stephanie: really? >> this is a guy who vacations in the dominican republic and then comes back and says i wish i could tell you what i did there but i can't and now he's talking about -- >> stephanie: with my suitcase full of off-market viagra. let's start with -- ♪
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>> gay marriage requires two consenting adults. pedophilia does not have two consenting adults. >> there is a movement to normalize pedophilia. sex with children doesn't hurt them. kids like it. who has ever said that? >> an example of the elmo guy. >> stephanie: so? >> how is that -- >> nobody's defending that. >> he says liberals are defending it. nobody i know who is a liberal is defending it. >> stephanie: what is their objective when asked about the normalizers. they want us all to think that it is a sexual orientation. you know who will fall in line is the college kids. >> what? >> stephanie: just like they do on gay marriage and the other revolutionary social issues. their own definition of freedom understanding tolerance. i'm washing you here. >> some slavery, for example. [ whatever! ] >> stephanie: what a moron. okay. >> i think he's running out of steam. >> stephanie: you know, it is not even -- actual issues that
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are happening in the country. it is these ridiculous strawman arguments nobody is arguing. >> you know what? it is kind of dangerous because his listeners glum on to it. his listeners think there is a movement to normalize pedophilia that's dangerous. >> stephanie: here is another right wing nonapology. remember the right wing lawmaker that said to gabgy giffords stay out of my town because she visited -- >> did she apologize if anyone -- >> stephanie: connecticut state representative heavy issued an apology after criticizing gabby giffords to newtown to visit the families. >> i'm sorry if any idiots were offended by what i said. >> the remarks i made regarding congresswoman giffords' visit were offensive. my comments were meant to be protective of the privacy of the families as we move on and no
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way were intended to insult congresswoman giffords personally. and why would she take any offense after someone telling her to get out. >> get the hell out of my towns! heathen. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] >> stephanie: the gun nuts are out in full force. let me tell you what. "the washington post," ever since "the washington post" story reported that the gun violence task force led by joe biden is considering gun legislation far broader and more comprehensive than simply reinstating expired ban on assault weapons and ammunition, it is being welcomed by gun rights groups who say leaks are just the thing to push their flock back into the fight. one former nra board member said the article was a molotov cocktail right into the middle of this thing. that lit the fuse. it has galvanized the gun community. they're talking about banning millions of firearms. the writing was on the wall when joe biden was put on o that thing because he's a gun
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grabber. obama has been gun rights all along. he was waiting for the second term to push this through. unfortunately, sandy hook timed pretty perfectly with the start of the second term. >> coincidence? i think not. >> stephanie: there are people on right wing web sites saying that. it has gone beyond the pale. mike in west virginia, you're on "the stephanie miller show." >> caller: hi, there. how are you? great job. thank you so much. consider myself the chunky, angry liberal this morning. [ ding ding ] >> caller: it is amazing to me these people -- there's not even an argument. they would rather cling to these ridiculous weapons than actually love a child. these children -- we're killing children. what part of that don't they understand? >> stephanie: if that doesn't change the debate -- if that doesn't change the debate as a human being, i don't know what will. >> i can't wait to see your show. maybe i'll see some sanity. i will see some sanity.
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i will whack my fat ass. >> weirdest thing i've heard in awhile. >> stephanie: 46 minutes -- >> sounded like louis black. he's from d.c. >> stephanie: 46 minutes after the hour. right back on "the stephanie miller show." >> announcer: fresh republican outrage. you keep listening she'll make more. it is "the stephanie miller show." i want to have that conversation. let's talk about it. really? you're going to lay people off because now the government is going to help you fund your healthcare. really? i want to have those conversations, not to be confrontational, but to understand what the other side is saying, and i'd like to arm our viewers with the ability to argue with their conservative uncle joe over the dinner table.
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i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. ♪ bad, bad ♪ >> stephanie miller ♪ better than old king kong ♪
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♪ meaner than a junkyard dog ♪ >> stephanie: what did he say? >> he said replaces religion in the military, that's a stretch. [ ♪ circus ♪ ] back ca back ca back ca. >> stephanie: this hour of "the stephanie miller show" brought to you by go to meeting. the powerfully simple way to meet and collaborate with your time online. now you can present from your ipad. visit click on the try it free button. >> stephanie: how much do we love us some andy borowitz tweets. things people used to say while drunk off their ass at 3:00 a.m. now they now say while perfectly sober. >> the line of congress is finishing tweeting every single tweet ever sent. all of your tweets will be -- in
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the library of congress. >> stephanie: oh boy. all right. >> by the way natzie gun laws -- nazi gun laws, they restricted handguns only, not rifles. >> stephanie: for all of you all calling with your hitler argument. >> restricting handguns was far from the worst thing hitler did. >> there's that. >> stephanie: okay. yes, wow speaking of being drunk, what did we try to tell you about tequila? [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] tweets at 3:00 a.m., nothing good ever comes of drinking games with brown liquor or calls after 3:00 a.m. or things in the crawl space under your house. >> stephanie: nothing good ever comes of that. for instance, this story in los angeles. tipsy tequila toting tree trimmer, please do not try to trim a tree. >> authorities say a tipsy tree trimmer dangled for nearly --
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try saying that with tequila. >> stephanie: bet you john boehner can't say it. >> god no. >> stephanie: dangled for two hours until a battalion of firefighters rescued him. a lot more than a kitty. authorities say the man appeared to be tipsy had a half full bottle of tequila in his belt. >> and an onion. >> stephanie: i think as a public service we have to play this once a year. >> do you have feelings of inadequacy, do you suffer from shyness. do you sometimes wish you were more assertive? if you answered yes to any of these questions ask your doctor or pharmacist about tequila. tequila is the safe, natural way to feel better and more confident about yourself and your actions. tequila can help ease you out of your shyness and let you tell the world that you're ready and willing to do just about anything. you'll notice the benefits of tequila almost immediately. and with a regimen of regular doses, you can overcome any obstacles that prevent from you living the life you want to
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live. shyness and awkwardness will be a thing of the past and you'll discover many talents you never knew you had. stop hiding and start living with tequila. tequila may not be right for everyone. women who are pregnant or nursing should not use it. women who wouldn't mind becoming pregnant should try it. side effects may involve nausea, erotic muscle loss, loss of clothing headache, dehydration dry mouth and a desire to sing karaoke and play all night rounds of naked twister. the consumption of alcohol may make you think you're whispering when you're not. a major factor in dancing like a retard. it may cause you to tell your friends you're in love with them. ex lovers are dying for you to telephone them at 4:00 a.m. alcohol will make you think you can converse with the opposite sex without spitting. it may create the illusion you're better looking than most people. alcohol may cause pregnancy and it may be a major factor in getting your ass kicked.
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what are you waiting for? stop hiding and start living with tequila. >> tequila! [ applause ] >> stephanie: let's go to tony in l.a. hi tony. >> caller: hey, stephanie, how are you? >> stephanie: i haven't heard from you in awhile. >> caller: a long time girl. honey, i called. with these gun nuts, when they start talking about the founding fathers, the founding fathers -- what am i supposed to deal with? it's like oh, my god the bottle of wine is we've got to look at the people who pick up the guns because unfortunately there's too many guns, the black market. my thing is, let's face it. let's racially profile all of the people killing these folks. they're young, 20 some-year-old bad boys with bad hair and crazy eyebrows. really? if it was somebody -- >> stephanie: you know what? we should start profiling.
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you with the crazy hair. >> caller: they are crazy! they got those crazy eyes. anybody see that these people are crazy. so why don't we start profiling them because honestly, stephanie, let's be for real, let latino boys, young black boys have been dying like crazy with automatic weapons for how long? and nobody cared. then they shoot our little babies, they got caught in the crossfire. that doesn't elicit the same emotional response. don't get me wrong. it is all horrible. what i'm saying is you racially profile a little gangbanger that ain't never shot up a school. how about racially profiling some of the crazy white boys. >> stephanie: with the crazy hair. toni, love you. missed you. >> caller: love you, too. >> stephanie: she's awesome.% okay. let's go to ken in columbus. hi ken. hey, ken. >> caller: hey. >> stephanie: hey, go ahead. >> caller: yeah. speaking of racially profiling
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crazy white boys, i'm all for gun checks but my issue has to do with privacy rights and the talk of looking at medical records as part of a gun check. and once the government has access to medical records, i'm not sure where that goes. i would think -- >> stephanie: how do you check if someone's medically ill? >> i'm not sure. if someone is diagnosed with cancer and looking to buy a gun they're probably not looking for hunting purposes. but should the government be told every time someone is diagnosed with cancer. >> stephanie: you're saying they're going to kill themselves? who's urging that? >> i'm saying the fact that we're looking at medical records for government purposes is -- >> stephanie: aren't we all trying to figure out how we stop mentally ill people from getting guns? >> caller: yes. >> i got news for you. government already has access to your medical records through medicare and medicaid and stuff like that.
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>> caller: well, i don't know. don't you think people are less likely to go seek treatment if that information is more likely to be used against them? >> stephanie: not really. >> not all of us are paranoid like you. >> stephanie: by the way we are going to talk about you for the whole rest of the show. >> we're tracing the call this very minute! >> stephanie: just kidding. but i know where you are. >> we would like to report a paranoid person. >> oh, boy. >> stephanie: i don't have my kopp own cops like bill o'reilly does. rick overton comedian extraordinaire live in studio next on "the stephanie miller show."
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>> stephanie: hello current tv land. hour number three, comedian rick overton live in studio all next hour. reince priebus. jacki, he said you know what was wrong with this last presidential campaign? it was not long enough. >> i know you were going to say they didn't spend enough money. >> stephanie: he said it was a nine-month operation that romney ran. i think they ran a great campaign. except for the landslide and all. pretty good but the other side ran a four-year campaign, a pretty good four-year campaign. i think all of the conclusion you can draw from the campaign the one that's safe is we need to be a four-year operation. that's what everyone i know thought. this campaign has not begun on long enough. >> i think by the end, we were all thinking is it over yet?
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>> stephanie: are we there yet? can we get cotton candy? all right. here she is. jacki schechner in the current news center. >> as we get closer to inauguration, we're now getting more details as to what to expect and who plans to participate. the presidential inaugural committee has now announced the official poet. it will be richard blanco. he will deliver the inaugural poem. the first hispanic poet, the first openly gay pote and the youngest to recite a poem. he was born in spain. his parents were cuban exiles and moved into new york and later miami. he left his job as a consultant engineer to teach creative writing at the university level. his first two collective works are award winners and his third book was published last year. for music, we can expect to hear beyonce take on the national anthem. james taylor will sing "america the beautiful" and kelly clarkson will perform "my
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country tis of thee." that was the song that aretha franklin performed last year. 200 guests will have the official inaugural luncheon after swearing in. we just got the menu including steamed lobster new england clam chowder and hudson valley apple pie. in other news this morning bloomberg is reporting that president obama plans to nominate white house chief of staff jack lew as his next treasury secretary. he would be replacing timothy geithner who has made it clear he plans to step down by the end of january. lew twice has been the director of the office -- excuse me, the office of management and budget. did his bit on wall street as managing director of citigroup. easier to be than say apparently. if selected and confirmed lew has the task of taking on raising the debt ceiling. we're back after the break. commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time
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now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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>> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's "the stephanie miller show." ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ and it's time to feel good ♪ ♪ all right now ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." of course it is. look who's here. comedian extraordinaire rick overton. >> hooray! >> stephanie: with no microphone. >> i would like to slow things down and do an acoustic joke for everybody right now. >> stephanie: good morning rick overton. >> thanks for inviting me in, darling. >> stephanie: you have fun stories. we just had our good friend, alan grayson on last week. you were in d.c. for him for his swearing in. >> he's my good friend, too. he did this incredible thing for me. he invited me out to come out
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and watch his reswearing in process and it was magnificent. he took me everywhere through the whole operation. he was so generous and his family, they're all brilliant from a-z! it is like a genius factory. his kids, almost everyone is like top-level menas level brilliance. >> stephanie: he has several harvard degrees. one from the john f. kennedy school of government, a regular one. who knew there were so many of them. >> i love when dna works. everyone's brilliant and warm and kind and generous and so there's a -- an initial reswearing in which is the private one then the one for the press. so guess who he brings to hold the torah for the photo? he calls me up. i'm holding the torah. wearing basically this jacket. and like a flannel shirt because i didn't know. i'm holding it.
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he's right there. i can't believe it. boehner is right there. come on, let's wrap this up. let's get this going. >> you stand over there. >> jim wants to know what he smells like. >> there is a lot of cologne going on. >> to mask the cigarette smoke. >> there is smoke. >> stephanie: aisha tyler has told us the president smells like cookies and freedom. so, in contrast of what boehner smells like. >> this is bourbon. >> stephanie: old spice. like one of the old man colognes. >> brut or english leather. >> stephanie: the thing you got your dad every year. >> what are you wearing? >> i'm not wearing english leather. that's my skin. [ laughter ] >> i'm wearing a progressive democrats of america sticker right over my heart here. he's shooting an eye at that. oh okay. [ laughter ] >> the whole time, i can't
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believe it. i'm looking into the camera like this. john boehner is right here. i'm like -- [ laughter ] >> it was amazing. >> stephanie: did your button make him cry? he's prone to weepiness. >> i can't believe he wore that! >> that's the last part of him that's still human. that trick they do in the mirror where the mirror version is the other part they shot earlier where it's going look at you turncoat slob prostitute, you! shut up. i'm just trying to shave. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: yeah, he has that kind of cowardly lion -- we pointed this out man cry. >> he stepped on my tail. >> please don't fire me. >> he looks like jack haley. he cries. >> this is a gift that alan
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grayson gave me. and i go in with the family photo. and the family photo with nancy pelosi, i mean the family photo -- >> that's so cool. he takes me to dinner at the democrats club and we do part of an interview and this guy he's just the greatest guy in the universe. >> stephanie: he's the greatest guy in history. >> how often do you meet a hero, you meet a real hero. i can't believe it. that's my story. >> stephanie: he's the only man i've seen get a standing ovation for walking. in ft. lauderdale sexy liberal with us and boston sexy liberal both times he walked into the theatre and just ahhh! crowd went wild. [ applause ] then did he panel and they went wild yet again. in fact, i think his lovely wife will be taking care of the lovely aforementioned smart kids during inauguration. i will be going on as wife ticket. to his inaugural ball.
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>> i'm doing that event for the pda over poets and busboys on the 19th for the folks that didn't make it to the other show, come see us. we'll all meet up afterwards. >> stephanie: we'll be doing sexy liberal january 19th at the warner. we have stuff going on. jim's been invited to balls but he does not want to pack a suit. being a -- i don't know, cur mergen that he is. >> i can't fit in my suits. >> stephanie: stop lifting weights. he mocks bath salts caucus. >> i love that! [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] he was making the 67 republicans who voted against sandy relief. the same 67 over and over again he noted on "the stephanie miller show." it is bath salts caucus, people who would rather eat your face than cut taxes on the rich. >> only way they can save face now is with tupperware.
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[ ♪ circus ♪ ] >> stephanie: there you go. yeah that's going to be quite a weekend. inauguration weekend. it will be exciting. >> be back east. it will be sweet. i can't wait. >> stephanie: melissa fitzgerald invited all of us to a ball, jim. she normally gives you a couple of balls. blue ones. [ buzzer ] my point is that -- >> that was highly inappropriate. >> stephanie: he acts goofy. all right. so anyway, tickets going fast for that january 19th at the warn irtheatre. get your tickets for sexy liberal palooza. rick overton it's like a flashback. alan grayson back in congress. it is the same doofuses and here we are. >> doofi? >> stephanie: for the debt ceiling hostage crisis, whatever [ whatever! ] >> yeah, they keep making these
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artificial rubber sharks for us to be scared of on the universal ride they run us through. here's the next giant -- it has a thing that stops from actually biting you and then goes splash again. they're famous for that kind of stuff. the problem is everyone loves the universal ride. they want to go on it again. no, we don't need to do this ride anymore. a lot of fake stuff coming out of what we need to be worried about. i think a lot of people are waking up to it. >> don't have to worry about the fiscal ice tunnel that spins around. >> stephanie: i think they're going to cave. i think they're bluffing again. made you flinch thing. >> i'm so used to it now i just do this. >> stephanie: josef in buffalo, you're on with rick overton. >> caller: stephanie. hi. i'm a gay born again christian. god bless all of you at current tv. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: remember the big tobacco lobby? >> stephanie: yes. >> caller: the big tobacco lobby fell. the nra lobby can fall, too.
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>> stephanie: that's right joe. we can't give up before we begin this conversation or fight. that's exactly right. look at how -- >> more doctors smoke camels than any other cigarette. >> do they have a gun that shoots cigarettes yet? >> stephanie: they used to advertise. it was all of that. the tobacco lobby. >> it helps with digestion. >> lung surgeons need steady hands. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: pregnant women calm down. doctors recommend -- >> baby cigarettes, baby red. >> in france, we let the baby smoke because once you're in a car, the baby smokes. >> stephanie: keep their weight down. >> we give them wine. >> stephanie: lisa in
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michigan. you're on with rick and company. hi lisa. >> caller: hi, good morning. how are you? >> stephanie: good morning. go ahead. >> caller: rush limbaugh's worst nightmare. i'm a legally gay married female. with two sons that serve in the military. one being now disabled from war in iraq. and a daughter that is developmentally challenged. so in no uncertain terms this catastrophe we were calling the government right now affects my family directly. on so many levels. >> stephanie: yeah. >> i am more curious when they're talking about moneys that is being spent unnecessarily. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: why, at this point, their salaries are not in that inclusion. if you're going to take money --
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from my now disabled son or daughter or my military -- >> stephanie: people that say all the time, everything should be on the table. how about we put your healthcare and your salary on the table. >> well, right now they're not really doing their jobs. so to me, that would consider them useless. and therefore their pay is an extravagance. our boys that are serving overseas and doing their jobs and are now paid you know, physically as well as mentally, are looking at not receiving pay so that these fools can sit up there and huff and puff and act like idiots? >> stephanie: exactly. did you see -- >> maybe the army should go on strike? >> stephanie: did you see the handy dandy draft jim? it is time to confront our smoking addiction. you can see it is a graph. very easy to find the statistics, rick. it is an allized growth -- annualized growth of reagan.
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look at the big tall thing. clinton, 5.4. clinton, 3.2. clinton, 3.9. bush jr. 7.3. then 8.1. barack obama 1.4. there is the graph of mitch mcconnell saying i blame the democrats. >> clearly. >> it appears almost everything they say you can just simply hold in a mirror and read it like da vinci's notes. oh, it is a complete exact 180 opposite. >> stephanie: get the bubblegum thing. hold it up to see what the secret message was. >> to see what bazooka joe was saying. >> what did bazooka joe say to da vinci? >> stephanie: kids, i'm going to freeze the entire segment in carbonite because you know why? rick overton says so many brilliant things, you need to sort through the comedy nuggets. >> you do. >> stephanie: if you have carbonite, you might lose all of that. you know what? it is so important to back up
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regularly. that's why you need carbonite. you set it up once, you never have to remember to back up again. carbonite backs up the computer files. soothing green dots. it is so soothing. it gives you peace of mind. peace of mind. that's right. please stop that. [ ♪ hypnotic ♪ ] >> will you stop that. >> stephanie: for $59 a year, you get access to all of the backed up files from computer, tablet, smart phone. carbonite has plans to back up for one low annual fee. [ scooby-doo's "huh?" ] do it. do it now. go to >> scooby says do it now. >> you get a free trial. no credit card required plus two free bonus months with your subscription. that's offer code, stephanie. 18 minutes after the hour. comedian rick overton live in
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studio on "the stephanie miller show." >> announcer: finally, talk radio you can dance to. it's "the stephanie miller show." from silver screens... to flat screens... twizzlerize your entertainment everyday with twizzlers the twist you can't resist.
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with the facts, and the arguments to feel confident in their positions. i want them to have the data and i want them to
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have the passion. >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ ♪ the music was soothing ♪ ♪ everybody was grooving ♪ >> this is so much richer than the original. >> i see. ready, fellas? >> stephanie: marcus
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bachmann's favorite version. "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 23 minutes after the hour. comedian extraordinaire live in studio, rick overton. that was an interesting thing you just said. repeat that about our good friend former future, current congressman alan grayson. >> yes, future president alan grayson was walking down the hallways of congress and everyone everyone, friend, foe all running up saying i'm so glad you're here. thank god you're back. up and down the halls all day long. >> stephanie: people love him. you know why? because he's fun. michele bachmann rushed him. yea! >> it was just glorious to see. >> stephanie: he's handsome and romantic. i love this. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] did you see this? the birth birther movement is targeting roberts if he swears president obama in for a second term.
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>> you know -- >> stephanie: orly taitz has not taken a position. like he's going to have the bible and just -- hmm. >> let me think about it. not sure. >> the republican party is turning into like when blow feld would have the cat and everything and he's looking at all of the really sweaty operatives who let bond get away. they're wondering which one will be killed. he'll look at the guy who did it. he'll kill the guy next to him. goes in. >> sharks by laser. is that too much? >> stephanie: i said that to roland, if you have to die, i want to die in a way i didn't see it coming. i want it on my tombstone she didn't see it coming. orly taitz with a blow dart in
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the back of her head. she did not see that coming. >> you know what? >> stephanie: i showed this to you. >> it would have to be a spear gun to get through that hair. >> you're right. >> stephanie: i'm talking about her shooting me with a blow dart. >> her eyes are equipped with those. >> stephanie: did you see that jim? she's my lawyer, dentist. >> nice. >> stephanie: because i had to go get a -- a checkup because you said something about her not having a dental license. she threatened to sue me. it has been a whole thing. >> does she have a dental license? >> stephanie: she does. i preemptively hired her as my lawyer in case something went awry with the dental work. she told me look, she wrote to me. we're friends. she was in here several times. stephanie, how do you feel about al jazeera buying current tv? [ buzzer ] i feel like she doesn't have my best interests at heart when she's trying to lure me into these comments. >> it's trap.
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that statement is a trap. >> it is a cookbook! >> stephanie: i want somebody -- >> here's the scenario. you hear beeping. you hear technical air hissing. you wake up. you're in a soyuz two-person capsule with orly taitz. oh geez. there and's one energy bar. >> stephanie: suzie you're on with rick. >> what did michele bachmann want to do to alan grayson? >> stephanie: say how happy she was to see him. >> caller: i'm thinking of one of the last calls about glenn beck that's scary that he's a cult leader and one guy that was a mormon that called, talking about glenn beck, he's a crazy mormon nazi, that's for sure.
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i just want to tell you guys, kind of warm to my heart, they were comparing mitch mcconnell to head lice on tv. >> stephanie: head lice a little more popular. >> caller: about an hour ago i watch fox every day to irritate myself on purpose. for fun. but what's not funny is they were saying the nra is going to fight back on the 19th because they -- everyone is going to gather at the gunshops on the 19th. >> stephanie: gun appreciation day. >> caller: that's all we need. that's all we need. gee, if violence happens that day with all of the people with their guns, i wonder if something bad will happen. the nra is just awful. if they put guns in the school, i'm going to be a home schooler for my kids. one thing i was thinking of, i don't know -- my old grandpa used to tell me years ago america is set up the old british way.
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where they always keep their surfs under them and just like the indians when the nra was around back then, probably the nra's relatives and i mean they don't -- they tried to send guns and bad blankets and bad food to people they don't like. that's what's happening to us. they don't care if they send people under them to war or give them diseased blankets and i'm afraid we have to get rid of the nra because they care about one thing. selling guns. >> stephanie: yep. exactly. all right. 29 minutes after the hour. we're rolling along with rick overton on "the stephanie miller show." going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first
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one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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>> have you ever heard the term nip flip? >> bobby. >> stephanie miller. >> it is a signature move. >> i just drop my shoulder like so. do you want a -- >> comedian extraordinaire rick overton will be live at the improv. >> live? >> stephanie: here in los angeles on sunday. >> 7:30 to 89:00. lucky 13. rick overton and friends. >> sweet. >> hilariously awesome and physical and all of that. >> i'm approaching the physical comedy cliff. >> stephanie: getting to the age where it is treacherous now? >> we gotta stick to our guns. hey! [ ♪ circus ♪ ] >> stephanie: oh, no! yes, did he. >> stephanie: we were
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mentioning this to jacki, reince priebus. >> reince priebus! [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] >> stephanie: the kids like it. >> i love it. >> stephanie: i love this. he said in a nine-month operation which is basically what the romney team put together they ran a great campaign. except for the landslide. the problem is the other side ran a four-year campaign. i think from all of the conclusions you could draw from the campaign, i think that's the one that's pretty safe. we need to be a four-year -- that's what everyone i know. this campaign was not nearly long enough. >> when they need a little more money. >> this right here, reince priebus whine for four years. >> stephanie: i want more of that. >> i don't want to go to wine country. >> how did they know to nail the name to the voice in advance? >> reince priebus! >> stephanie: here's something fun. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] you want a a 300 pound piece of romney memorabilia?
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it is free but you'll have to haul it. the steel slab formed in the shape of iowa emblazoned with mitt romney's believe in america. >> oh god scrap metal. >> stephanie: you can have it if you bring a truck and you gotta haul it. 300 pounds. >> armor plating for -- i don't know. popemobile. >> stephanie: i need to know the person who wants to buy that. put her in the truck. >> coffee table. >> reince priebus. >> stephanie: oh. [ ♪ circus ♪ ] >> reince previous. >> stephanie: hello walter. >> caller: hi, how are you stephanie? >> stephanie: good. go ahead. >> caller: i was calling to bring up something that doesn't get talked about enough to me. these kids kids who are having problems and their parents are having problems with their kids don't have anything to place --
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don't have a place so end this them. i spent 16 years working as an psychiatric aid in an adolescent center. we had kids who were there they had kill lists, they were going to kill part of their neighborhood, part of their family. when the judge got them in court, he had someplace to send them. but due to cutbacks, they no longer have anyplace to go. >> stephanie: that's roughly right with all of the talk of cuts and cuts and cuts to the safety net mental health is one of the things. it is one of the factors clearly leading to this. >> all the way back to reagan. >> stephanie: exactly. chris christie -- [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] as if he could not piss the republicans off anymore. he's willing to talk about guns. >> what the -- >> stephanie: he's going to have a conversation about the stricter gun laws. he says policy makers must address the mental health system. improve access to drug treatment and look at the impact of violent video games. i agree on all of those counts. if all we talk about is
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controlling guns, we're not doing enough. we need to talk about mental illness and substance abuse. we've lost two national elections in a row. we need to think about doing something different. ya think? >> maybe he should join the democratic party. >> christie's my kind of ruthless survivor. >> stephanie: oddly, he's about a 300 pound piece of mitt romney memorabilia. if you want him, you have to go haul him. [ ♪ circus ♪ ] >> you praise him then insult him. >> i think he's pretty smart. you know, at some point smart tells you get off that boat. that's the reason it is hot is because it's on fire. >> stephanie: right. this latest tragedy, it seemed like it was -- sadly a perfect storm of everything. of mental illness and on the one hand, it seems like the mother tried to get him help in the mental health system. one of the things that may have set him off is she was going to have him committed but at the same time, she's got all of the automatic weapons available in the house. he's playing violent video games
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all the time. where is she -- >> trying to get him committed. these all kind like scramble ass-saving stories to tell the press as they click at the door. >> stephanie: yeah. guess what. one of our very favorite callers is on line five. >> oh god. >> stephanie: you don't have her jingle? >> no. >> stephanie: we need to jingle her up. it is road flare mary from chicago. right? she's -- all the kids love her. fine, i'll let her go jingleless. hi mary. >> caller: hi. >> stephanie: what's going on? >> caller: i want to make a comment. you talk about the guns and this and that. okay. i do believe a person does have a right to bear arms to protect themselves. why don't you talk about like in the city of chicago with all of these scumbag punks that shoot up each other they don't get their guns legally. okay. >> stephanie: would these be the same blacks in escalades
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you've spoken of previously? >> caller: that will solve everything. no, it's not. >> stephanie: okay, well -- i'm talking about all gun control. >> caller: well all gun control. there's never going to be all gun control. >> stephanie: can't we do some things that will help? >> caller: well, they are, okay. where i live, if you want to get a gun license they do a background check. if you're mentally ill. so i don't see what the problem is. it is these usually you know, these punks that are shooting up each other. so they don't -- >> stephanie: what about all of these -- >> caller: what drugstore sells an uzi? >> stephanie: all of these last mass shootings were done with military weapons. >> you can get them at gun shows. >> caller: okay. whatever. sawed-off shotguns. >> answered your question. whatever. >> caller: city of chicago. how many murders last year? okay. >> stephanie: like in new york
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city, for instance, they've -- the gun laws are much stricter, there's much less -- guess what, gun deaths. >> caller: really? in chicago? >> stephanie: new york. >> caller: i'm talking about chicago. you know what though? the anointed one mayor says that crime is down. i don't get it. what does he mean? >> stephanie: crime has actually gone down. >> caller: has it? in his neighborhood where he's protected? >> stephanie: no. there are statistics that measure these things. >> caller: yeah. well, you know what? >> stephanie: what do we do about all of the mass shootings? the 6-year-olds getting shot up in their classroom by a military weapon? >> caller: that's disgusting. it is disgusting, okay. but you keep going over and over again. okay. >> you keep? what? >> stephanie: we have to talk about how we start solving the problem. >> caller: you're never going to solve the problem. >> stephanie: we shouldn't do anything. >> caller: no, you're never
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going to solve the problem. >> stephanie: what do we do about it? nothing? >> caller: people want a gun they're going to get a gun whether they're legal or they're not legal. >> stephanie: we should make it as easy as possible for anybody mentally ill or not and any kind of gun like military. >> caller: i just told you. in illinois, you want a gun license, they do a background check. if you're mentally ill they do everything. so what are you saying? >> stephanie: okay. since the assault weapons ban expired, the number of deaths from assault weapons has tripled. do you think there's any connection? >> caller: i didn't hear you. i'm sorry. >> stephanie: i said since the assault weapons ban has expired deaths from assault weapons in this country have tripled. >> caller: you know what? whatever it is, it is just going to go on, okay. it is never going to stop. >> stephanie: you don't have a lot of optimism in you. what's the deal?
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>> caller: you people talk over and over about the same thing. it is never going to get done. i mean you got a guy in the white house that can't get nothing done. >> stephanie: it is obama's fault. >> caller: whatever. and then the one caller with his thing -- you know what? as far as -- i believe he was black -- [ laughter ] >> caller: you want -- >> stephanie: what did he say? >> caller: what's axed? >> you don't have the most perfect diction either, road flare mary? >> caller: the jewish grandmother calling. show me a poor jew. >> stephanie: mary, i love you. my sister. yes! >> caller: you want me to keep going? >> stephanie: yes. >> caller: you keep going the same thing. talk about what's going on in this country.
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>> stephanie: that's talk radio. >> caller: trying to survive. make a living but you know what? we are the middle class. we're the stupid ones. really. >> you said it. we didn't. >> i don't think middle class is stupid. there are a lot of smart middle class people. >> caller: obama's rich. he's got protection for the rest of his life. >> stephanie: he wasn't always rich. >> caller: he's got protection. like they really care. they really care about people, real people. >> mary, who should have been president? >> stephanie: jim you know what else said -- you know who else pointed out show me a poor jew? never mind. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: of all the mary hits that, had to be up there. >> show me a poor jew.
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>> wow. she's -- >> don't get me started on the -- >> she's set in her ways that, gal. >> i would love to try to use logic on her. since the assault weapons ban -- >> stephanie: mary doesn't seem she would enjoy a happy clappy show. >> when she gets trapped in a corner you keep talking. >> stuff. >> stephanie: they don't call it listen radio mary. 45 minutes after the hour. >> she's glorious. >> stephanie: she's lovely. are there any poor jews, call now, please. right back on "the stephanie miller show." coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely.
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>> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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hershey's simple pleasures chocolate. 30% less fat, 100% delicious.
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these talking points, that the right have, about the "heavy hand of government" ... i want to have that conversation. really? you know i'd like to arm our viewers with the ability to argue with their conservative uncle joe over the dinner table.
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♪ prove your love ♪ >> stephanie miller. >> stephanie: all right kids, be nice. mary is a crabby bitch period. stop it now. >> we love her. we want her to keep calling. >> i think she's an excellent bitch. >> stephanie: they've done jingles, tributes to her. >> i was standing in line at the grocery store the other day. i saw this and i don't appreciate it. why should some people be allowed to live? >> stephanie: exactly. [ applause ]
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>> stephanie: okay. oh, hang on. hold your calls. we have a poor jew on the line. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] you poor jew. >> wow, we found one. >> stephanie: jen in alameda. hello. >> caller: hi, how are you? >> stephanie: good. go ahead. >> caller: well, you said all the poor jews should call. it took all that time through the commercials to get through to you. so i just wanted to say hi. >> stephanie: hi. hello, poor jew. how are you? >> caller: i'm doing well. i'm poor because i lost my job. i've been looking for a year. it is too bad but i don't blame president obama. i don't understand why all of these people blame him for their job loss. i thank him for getting a fiscal thing passed to get some unemployment going. >> stephanie: so you're saying the money that george soros gives you every month is not enough to live on?
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>> caller: yeah. >> stephanie: is that your point, poor jew? >> caller: i don't have a bank account of millions. and i can't live off of my savings for the rest of my life. i'm only 58. >> shouldn't they send you a stipend with all of the secret jewish meetings? the hidden, secret gold stash and they share it only amongst their whispering selves? >> caller: why does mary listen to you if she hates you so much? >> stephanie: it is a love-hate situation. >> she lives on hate. it is like an energy source. get the thoughts out of your mind. she's just getting larger. >> i need more hatred. >> fire all hatred at her. >> stephanie: okay. >> you know what? you guys just talk.
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>> stephanie: they call it talk radio. >> not listen radio. >> stephanie: over and over about the same thing. >> all dance radio. what? [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] >> stephanie: all right, senator elizabeth warren, what's not great about her? >> don't get me started! [ laughter ] >> stephanie: stereotypes are us. she said she would promise more and she disappointed us. on the blacks and the jews. >> she's a cherokee, right. >> why don't you ax her about that. half breed. that's all she ever heard. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: i just love the headline entitled senator warren gears up. here we go. this is in "the washington post." aig, have you heard about this? in the process of deciding whether to join a $25 billion shareholder lawsuit against the
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federal government despite the government's role -- that would be us in bailing out the company, for $182 billion. >> let me check behind the sofa. >> if it is such a burden to them, why don't they pay it back with interest. >> stephanie: the government rescued deprived shareholders of tens of billions of dollars -- >> we saved your ass. >> stephanie: this comes as aig is running ads thanking the american people for the bailout. joining the lawsuit would be widely seen as an audacious display of ingratitude. it would threaten to inflame tensions. the government poured billions into aig. their reckless bets nearly crashed our entire economy. taxpayers saved aig from ruin. it would be outrageous for the company to sue the federal government because they don't think the deal was generous enough. even today the government provides an on-going stealth bailout propping up a oorks girks with special tax breaks that congress should stop. aig should thank american
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taxpayers for the help not bite the hand that fed them. suggesting senator warren is planning to cut a wide swath. hooray. >> grayson warren, 2016. >> it really businesses me off that bradley manning is in prison and lloyd blankfine isn't. >> stephanie: didn't he go on tv -- >> who is lloyd blankfein? >> he's with goldman sachs. >> stephanie: he said we can't afford these entitlements anymore. what do you mean "we"? >> i thought you were wearar -- referring to a poor jew. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: we were just shown a poor jew and that's not it. >> that's not a poor jew. >> i've known a poor jew and you, sir are no poor jew. >> have you at long last, no sense of decency left. >> have you no money left? >> stephanie: arnold in north carolina. you're on "the stephanie miller show" with rick overton and more.
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hello, arnold. >> caller: i am so relieved to find out that mary is just like donald trump as a friend of the blacks. >> stephanie: arnold, here at the "the stephanie miller show," we love the bla people. >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the blacks! >> listen, steph the republicans are getting their act together with these gun nuts, you know. that's part of their background. you know, they'll tell you with this financial situation that their biggest concern is that the children and their children, the debt we're going to lay on top of them and leave them with. poor kids up in the connecticut school that could care less about that. they could care less about that. they're so phony, you can see right through them. >> stephanie: absolutely. here's good news, kids. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] the aclu has settled a suit with the federal government that will allow many of the service men to discharge under don't ask don't tell, to receive full pay.
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made a statement saying the amount of pay they're owed is small by military standards but it is huge in acknowledging their service to the country. >> you know what? they're worse than the blacks. >> stephanie: nothing on the gays today. i was wearing this t-shirt just to inflame her. >> i don't think she knows what that means. >> chinese medicine. she has an angry liver. look bitch, you can't even afford a vowel. >> stephanie: cali in south carolina, you're on "the stephanie miller show." >> caller: hi. boy, i waited awhile. >> stephanie: sorry. >> caller: when listening i've heard a few more things i wanted to comment on, especially that lady who was calling that said that nothing can be done. to control the guns getting into the wrong hands. i would suggest she go and read up on what australia did. she might get educated a little
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bit there. and the guy that thinks that your medical records aren't already accessible! little bit of an awakening too. the one that i was most blown away by are these people that seem to be totally brainwashed by the right thinking that their second amendment rights are totally going to be thrown out. >> stephanie: yeah exactly. ridiculous. by the way i apologize to sara who said road flare mary makes her tummy hurt. rick overton live at the improv here in los angeles on sunday. thank you, baby. love you. >> love you too. >> thank you. >> see you tomorrow. >> stephanie: on "the stephanie miller show."
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